125 years
serving our Community
300+ youth
served through our programs
staff Committed to Impact
adults working towards their career goals
125 Years of serving the Central Ohio community!
The mission of Godman Guild is to provide programs that enhance the social and economic mobility of individuals and families in Central Ohio.
Godman Guild Association is a leader in supporting individuals to achieve their fullest potential and to realize their goals. We are a settlement house, Evolved!

Empowering Individuals
through Education and Opportunity
Workforce Development

The Guild's Workforce Development initiatives aim to support individuals' thriving career journeys.
The Work Readiness Academy gets you ready for work!
Our adult literacy and education programs provide language, reading, and math skills needed to earn a high school equivalency certificates, enter college, or obtain a job.
Technical training and education services are offered in collaboration with employers to get you closer to work.
Receive individualized coaching, resume prep, and direct referrals to employers based on your experience and career goals.
Earn certification in Customer Service and Sales, Business of Retail, Safe Food and Beverage handling, and more.

Youth & Family Empowerment

Supporting young minds in building bright futures!
T.E.E.N. offers year-round programming that includes afterschool programming and summer employment training. T.E.E.N. focuses on building the skills needed to successfully graduate from high school and create a path to the career of your choosing through post-secondary education or technical training.
IgniteU offers in-school support and afterschool programming at our partner elementary and middle schools! IgniteU also works with families to provide ongoing family engagement, supports, and resources.
IgniteU S.Y.E.P. (Summer Youth Empowerment Program) is our summer camp component of the year round approach of out of school programming. S.Y.E.P. is a day camp for youth entering grades 1-9. S.Y.E.P. provides 8-weeks of summer programming at Godman Guild’s Camp Mary Orton.
We build community and help individuals carve a pathway to thriving careers through the comprehensive services and programs we provide.
We wouldn't be able to do what we do without the continued support of our partners, the community and local businesses. Make a difference by donating today.
From joining our team to attending events, we provide many opportunities to workwith Godman Guild. Check out all of our available opportunities and see how you can get involved.
Powering Work

Transforming Workforce through Dynamic Programming
Everyone’s path to work looks different. But everyone needs tools, training, certifications, and resources to embark on that path with confidence. At the Guild’s Work Readiness Academy (WRA) STARs (Skilled Through Alternative Routes) will establish a firm foundation so they can build successful careers. WRA graduates will be ready for the next step in their career journey—whatever that step may be.

You might know us by different names
Supporting the mission of the Godman Guild Association are two assets; Camp Mary Orton and Blue Bow Tie Catering.
Camp Mary Orton has been serving children and families of the Columbus community since 1910. Camp Mary Orton now serves children, families, schools, community, and corporate groups. When you choose Camp Mary Orton to host your next event, you’re not only guaranteeing a memorable time for your guests in nature, but you’re making a much larger impact on the community.
Tasty food, delivered in Columbus! Blue Bow Tie is a social enterprise designed to create transitional employment opportunities for individuals with barriers to employment, teach marketable job skills, and empower individuals to find gainful employment that provides a sustainable income and the revenue generated goes to support Godman Guild programs assisting families throughout Central Ohio.
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